Work to Disappear
day 1

- fitness in individuals vs fitness in the species
- a deep dive into Yukio Mishima, his life and death
- a conscious effort to improve
- working on a form (the body) that you know will inevitably disappear
- struggling hard to perfect a body you can throw away in a moment to achieve a goal
- i need to breathe more while under load
- i was strongest my junior year of college after study abroad (and a bit in 2021)
- you can only know whats possible for your body by pushing it to the limit
- training a fit body makes any clothing look better on you – a better investment in clothes
- things i got away with in my 20s are no longer the case now
- the hard answer of "how are you"
- finances, emotional, goals in progress
- a commitment to adult learning and skilling up
- trade consumption for production
- i want to be a polymath
- whats your sample size to be in the top n%
- are you competing within your field or against everyone
- as an adult its too easy to stop learning – you need to force it
- we too quickly hyper fixate on parts of our person instead of the whole
- we need to diversify
- you are the only person stuck with the burden of your identity
- i'm actually liking this format
- in the future: comment sections, growth on social media, unlisted videos