Jun 03 2023
latitude and longitude logic, the hardest part of programming is naming, spoiler for a chatgpt plugin im working on, lazy plot devices
latitude and longitude logic, the hardest part of programming is naming, spoiler for a chatgpt plugin im working on, lazy plot devices
Random Thoughts I Had Watching OBX S3
I have been watching Survivor Kaôh Rōng and reflecting on the strategies of the contestants.
Puss in Boots has big orange cat energy.
・ 。 ∴。 ・゚*。. ・ *゚ ・ ゚* ・。 *・。 *.。 。・ °*. ゚。 °*. ゚*. 。。 ・ 。 ・゚ 。°*. 。*・。 pic.twitter.com/B4VWq5ZzCj — Studio Ghibli (@TheGhibliFamily) December 24, 2022 I love this creative use of space and form! Spirited Away is also one of my favorite films, and was my first foray into anime as a child. I have a distinct memory of
A fantastic comedic moment, this movie is so underrated. Another comedy classic, like Serpentine 202301271336
Some thoughts on stills from John Wick II and III.
At age 10 or 11, Liv met Steven Tyler and suspected he was her father when she observed a resemblance between her and Tyler's daughter MiaWhen she asked her mother, the secret was revealed. (View Highlight) Since learning the truth about her paternity, Liv and Steven have developed
Although Sweeney is now becoming a household name, she’s been working in Hollywood for over a decade. When she was 12, she drafted a five-year career plan and presented it to her parents in a PowerPoint to convince them to let her work as an actress, according to a
IDK if anyone is actually taking advantage of the fact that the episodes of this show can be watched in any order. * too lazy, autoplay is why people watch NFLX * there are characters that get introduced in previous episodes, and that would cause confusion Peter Mark Kendall !== Jack Quaid they
HADOUKEN Sandy Chaotic Evil A Love Story in the Making <3 ^79ee76 He Clearly Said Mother Not Mama Lmao Wtf (Spongebob Announcer Voice) 5 Minutes Later I Love Crushing Dreams (Pariston and Blue Lock Vibes) AYO?? W RIZZ GOD Tyson Bangers A tribute to the most savage motherfucker on