Issue 14: Now With (Even) More Science
How should we predict future tech with the lessons of history? How many times do we pay for our choices?
How should we predict future tech with the lessons of history? How many times do we pay for our choices?
Better Never-Better than Better-Never, I suppose!
There’s a quip from the historian Will Durant, that a nation is born stoic and dies epicurean. (Location 538) What hard work is there to be done in 2023? Has rampant consumerism subsumed our desire to struggle to create a more perfect Union? …over time, this dynamic leads to
Inflation = printing money. Period. Prices are measured in dollars. If we create too many dollars, that causes the value of the dollar to fall in terms of goods and services. This “inflation” started 18 months ago. Shortages and supply chain issues are a separate issue. (View Tweet) 3/🧵 INFLATION “When
The general theme of these findings is that the idea of money primes individualism: a reluctance to be involved with others, to depend on others, or to accept demands from others. (Location 891) Whether you are a hippie with a killer business sense 202301092335, or you are a libertarian crypto
“Plans are best-case scenarios. Let’s avoid anchoring on plans when we forecast actual outcomes. Thinking about ways the plan could go wrong is one way to do it.” (Location 2107) Unless you are Sydney Sweeney, in which case make a powerpoint that will come true 202212200240 Something to think
The Principal Agent Problem: Only 1.5 percent of the purchase price goes directly into your agent’s pocket. So on the sale of your $300,000 house, her personal take of the $18,000 commission is $4,500. . . . Not bad, you say. But what if the house was actually
But more money will often not solve the problem. In fact, it may compound the problem. Money often makes obvious our tragic human flaws, putting a spotlight on what we don’t know. That is why, all too often, a person who comes into a sudden windfall of cash—let’
Soon there will be such a horrifying gap between the rich and the poor that chaos will break out and another great civilization will collapse. History proves that great civilizations collapse when the gap between the haves and have-nots is too great. Sadly, America is on that same course because
The truest sign of inflation in bodegas everywhere 202301071255 we are living in george orwell’s 1984 (View Tweet)
So while I’m not yet rich, I am wealthy. I now have income generated from assets each month that fully cover my monthly expenses. If I want to increase my expenses, I first must increase my cash flow to maintain this level of wealth. (Location 1108) By using percentages
I don’t encourage anyone to start a company unless they really want to. Knowing what I know about running a company, I wouldn’t wish that task on anyone. There are times when people can’t find employment and starting a company seems like the best solution. But the