Notes on the Insane Biology of Dragonflies
What can we learn from the incredible biology of dragonflies?
What can we learn from the incredible biology of dragonflies?
In this case, green means “stop” and red (and orange and yellow) means “go.” Red, orange, and yellow signal sweetness and desirability to your brain, a concept that food marketers have long known about and employed. Next time you are in the snack food aisle in the supermarket, check out
The mother plant relies on animals to eat the seeds before they fall to the ground. The objective is to have their babies wind up some distance away from the mother plant, so that they don’t have to compete with it for sun, moisture, and nutrients. This increases the
Because their initial predators were insects, plants developed some lectins that would paralyze any unfortunate bug that tried to dine on them. Obviously, there is a quantum size difference between insects and mammals, but both are subject to the same effects. (If you are suffering from neuropathy, take notice!) Clearly,
#ExplosiveGrowthTip 4: First-mover advantage is useless if the timing isn’t right. Have you thought about ideas, products, or features that failed in the past—simply due to being too early—that may work now? (Location 365) If you're not embarrassed by the first version of your product,
Even worse are the black magicians or “computer hackers” who intentionally spread the virus. Think back to a time when you or someone you know was angry with someone else and desired revenge. In order to seek revenge you said something to or about that person with the intention of
It is very interesting how the human mind works. We have the need to justify everything, to explain and understand everything, in order to feel safe. We have millions of questions that need answers because there are so many things that the reasoning mind cannot explain. It is not important
Connective tissue has different names depending on its location and function. Ligaments are the fibrous connective tissues that connect bone to bone. Tendons connect muscle to bone. The delicate membranes that envelop your brain and spinal chord are connective tissues called meninges. Bone is a highly mineralized form of connective
Pushing off from the toes and buttocks of each alternating “back leg” supports the spine, lifts the chest, and imparts a sense of power, ease, and confidence. (Location 738) walking is so energy efficient, it takes months or years for small doses of exercise to add up to substantial weight
Cultivate healthy posture through a process of self-study. You will need to create new sense memories for what feels balanced and stable through the means suggested in the following chapters. Remember that your posture is a dynamic activity, not a static position you can assume and then forget about. Your
Our muscles wrap around our skeletons in layers, like layers of clothing. In general, the outer muscle layers produce the visible motions of the arms, legs, and trunk, while deeper muscles provide support for joints and internal organs. Contraction of these deep muscles lets us create the stability we need
I watched baby monkey on a pig, and went down a rabbit hole into the brutal short life of primatedom. There is a whole ass section on YouTube just dedicated to following the melodramas of monkeys in southeast Asia that rake in millions(!)of views Monkeys are reactively violent, as