Obsidian Repos
all the repos ive built over the years for obsidian

a collection of projects ive written for obsidian over the years. i don't like the direction of the app and its community as of late, so i probably wont be making any new stuff in an official capacity, and if i do, it'll just be for me/local fixes/features. but here's what i've done, hope its helpful to you!

<LEDA> check out these projects!
GitHub - bramses/obsidian-audio-alchemiser: Alchemize boring text notes into exciting audio notes!
Alchemize boring text notes into exciting audio notes! - GitHub - bramses/obsidian-audio-alchemiser: Alchemize boring text notes into exciting audio notes!
GitHub - bramses/eleven-labs-obsidian: eleven labs integration w obsidian
eleven labs integration w obsidian. Contribute to bramses/eleven-labs-obsidian development by creating an account on GitHub.
GitHub - bramses/youtube-transcript-obsidian: Transcribe a Youtube video’s captions with timestamps into Obsidian MD format
Transcribe a Youtube video's captions with timestamps into Obsidian MD format - GitHub - bramses/youtube-transcript-obsidian: Transcribe a Youtube video's captions with timestamps into Obsi…
GitHub - bramses/summarize-with-gpt3-obsidian: Summarize text with GPT-3 in Obsidian (progressive summarization)
Summarize text with GPT-3 in Obsidian (progressive summarization) - GitHub - bramses/summarize-with-gpt3-obsidian: Summarize text with GPT-3 in Obsidian (progressive summarization)
GitHub - bramses/obsidian-stack-overflow: Fetch Stack Oveflow answers and copy paste them directly into Obsidian
Fetch Stack Oveflow answers and copy paste them directly into Obsidian - GitHub - bramses/obsidian-stack-overflow: Fetch Stack Oveflow answers and copy paste them directly into Obsidian
GitHub - bramses/stenography-obsidian
Contribute to bramses/stenography-obsidian development by creating an account on GitHub.
Stenography - Product Information, Latest Updates, and Reviews 2024 | Product Hunt
Stenography combines state of the art AI technology (OpenAI Codex) and code parsing techniques to create a smart codebase documenter. Stenography is designed to to fit the natural dev flow and do what dev tools have always promised us: decrease cognitive load!

GitHub - bramses/chatgpt-md: A (nearly) seamless integration of ChatGPT into Obsidian.
A (nearly) seamless integration of ChatGPT into Obsidian. - GitHub - bramses/chatgpt-md: A (nearly) seamless integration of ChatGPT into Obsidian.
Bramses Highly Opinionated Vault
GitHub - bramses/bramses-highly-opinionated-vault-2023: A highly opinionated, fully featured Obsidian vault that can get you from Zero to Zettelkasten lickety split!
A highly opinionated, fully featured Obsidian vault that can get you from Zero to Zettelkasten lickety split! - GitHub - bramses/bramses-highly-opinionated-vault-2023: A highly opinionated, fully f…
Ghost Publish Fork
GitHub - bramses/obsidian-ghost-publish: Write on Obsidian. Publish to Ghost with a single click.
Write on Obsidian. Publish to Ghost with a single click. - GitHub - bramses/obsidian-ghost-publish: Write on Obsidian. Publish to Ghost with a single click.
How to Upload an Audio Companion to Ghost From iOS Voice Memos and Obsidian
How can audio locally linked to content uploaded to Ghost servers?