Books are Best (Proven By Science!)

consumption tier list:
looking at entire categories of ontological consumption aka media
the core metric is the below criteria x the value received for time and effort given.
go in w an open mind.
- depth possible
- breadth available
- accessibility
- flow state possible
- async/sync
- energy minimum to consume
- attention required
- roi
- future earnings
- eudaemonia (human flourishing)
- good memory
- learning
- feeling of completion
- books
- movies
- tv shows
- live concerts
- social media feeds
- news/podcasts/radio
- sitting and doing nothing (control)
- books
- 1. yes -- deep topics of philosophy, history, sports, memoir... 250 pages on average per book. super deep dives.
- 2. yes – walk through the sections of any library. every human ontology exists in books. in fact we created an entire ontology around lying and called it fiction
- 3. library card/books online ~$10-20, can be an expensive hobby
- 4. yes, if book is compelling and challenging
- 5. async, you can read books from authors who died last millenia. insane value of voices from different languages/different cultures/the dead.
- 6. non passive -- you must turn pages and comprehend words in head
- 7. full attention – if half assed you're not really reading or even skimming (skimming well is a skill)
- 8.
- a. a good book can change your career opportunities ++ all college courses are foundationally built around the books assigned teamed up with the teacher
- b. books (philosophy, classic) change lives consistently -- the intellectual life is honorable in and of itself, see the virgin mary or st augustine etc
- c. yes, with services like ycb and readwise you can store your marginalia and highlights forever and connect them
- d. see a and b
- e. they call it closing a chapter on life for a reason...
- movies
- 1. yes – art house movies exist – cinephiles perfect the form alongside their critics and actors
- 2. yes -- not as much as books. a younger medium and much more costly to produce, so less space for creativity thats not bankrolled
- 3. easier these days w streaming services -- but fragmented to get the best movies on each
- 4. similar to books a storyline can be extremely compelling
- 5. async, but less movies than books bc the art form is much younger. aka its harder to get movies outside of your time and place than books.
- 6. can be consumed passively – story is on a plate, often can be assessed deeper after by researching director
- 7. second screen possible so not that much (how many times do you see people at phones out at movies)
- 8.
- a. i think movies have helped me at social situations like dates, but the ideas in them rarely spark new outcomes
- b. a good movie can change your life -- usually on an emotional rather than intellectual level
- c. no, the movie capture for later reflection is draconic – nflx just added moments feature and files are so heavy, or you have to bootleg record on your phone. it sucks.
- d. documentaries are good i guess? but ive literally never seen a documentary that teaches me more than a book. especially in modern era with docs all being aliens on history channel style
- e. letterboxd do be going off fr
- tv shows
- (im bored so im gonna zoom through rest of these)
- 1. not these days, all good shows are cancelled constantly it fkn sucks
- 6/7. even less attention required than movies -- complete brain rot in many cases
- 8.
- b. a few golden eggs (hxh, breaking bad, the wire, etc.) amongst a sea of garbage (still much higher quality than social media). many tv shows treat viewers like idiots.
- e. depends on if it gets cancelled or not...
- live concerts
- 2. lotsa good stuff out there
- 3. lower than the others, but kind of the point
- 5. sync, but again, kind of the point
- 7. usually pretty engaging but i have fallen asleep at shows that havent hooked me. i usually last 30m or so before i get bored, but if i love the show, its a visceral experience. high variability.
- 8.
- a. negative, very expensive hobby
- c. very high, very memorable
- d. not usually – too much reliance on stimulants
- social media feeds
- 1. absolutely fucking not. single punchline 60 second content or drawn out 15 minute video with two minutes of utility (a day in my life videos)
- 2. probably highest or competing with books for most breadth. a lot of people with cameras. demerits for the glut of internet comedians, im sick of all these comedians.
- 3. always a tap away
- 6/7. hyper passive brain rot, you know im right
- 8.
- b. unless you make content for social media, it is bad for your agency and dignity long term. the hours required, nothing gained.
- c. i remember very little of what i consume. sub 10% perhaps? theres too much with no depth.
- e. you are never done doom scrolling, there is no bottom
- podcasts/radio
- 4. good while doing something else like chores or driving
- 7. bad proxy for reading books, i hate when people say audiobooks are just as memorable as reading, its not. (audiobooks are great, but are so easy to zone out during, dont lie to yourself)
- 8.
- a. less than books, but higher than anything else on list
- d. some long form conversations are genuinely a waste of two+ hours, others can be life changing. rng.
- news
- 1. nope. more focused on being omnipresent than research
- 2. see above
- 4. a bad one of fear, yes
- 7. face.scared.exe (see 4)
- 8.
- a. sure if you trade stocks but by time its news its too late
- b. absolutely fucking not no, every person i know who watches news constantly is miserable
- e. 24 hour cycle so by definition, no
- sitting and doing nothing (control)
- 1. very much so yes, if you let yourself get there
- 2. echo chamber literally
- 3. always available if you are willing to turn off distraction
- 4. yes, but youll likely fall asleep, sustained attention is difficult
- 7. high, its telling that its much higher than social media consumption. think about the ramifications of this
- 8.
- b. know thyself. nuff said
- d. some lessons are only found in solitude
- e. can go forever, will end up in recursive fever dream style hell at times
tier list:
s: books (best)
a: sitting and doing nothing, movies (best), live shows (best)
b: books (avg/worst)
c: tv shows (best), live shows (avg/worst), podcasts (best)
d: movies (avg, worst), news (best)
e: also sitting and doing nothing (its both amazing and awful), tv shows (avg, worst)
f: social media feeds, news (avg, worst), podcasts (avg/worst)