August 30 2023
the daily energy management struggles

any blue moons (the beer) under the blue moon?

from nomic import AtlasProject
map = AtlasProject(name="highlights").maps[0]
id topic_depth_1 topic_depth_2 topic_depth_3
0 41700088 Software Development Habits and Goal Setting Model-based design
1 41700089 Life and happiness Habits and Goal Setting Goal Setting
2 41700090 Science and Technology Memory Action
3 41700091 Life and happiness Negative emotions Negative beliefs and sadness
4 41700147 Science and Technology Science Human error
... ... ... ... ...
10167 41701259 Philosophy and religion Evolutionary biology Human Nature
10168 41701260 Philosophy and religion Evolutionary biology Human Nature
10169 41701261 Philosophy and religion Evolutionary biology religion
10170 41701173 Philosophy and religion philosophy Islam
10171 41701175 Philosophy and religion Family and Work Education
[10172 rows x 4 columns]
df: pandas.DataFrame property
A pandas dataframe associating each datapoint on your map to their topics as each topic depth.
df = map.topics.df
# extract topics from the map as a pandas df and put them into a set and then a list that is written to a file
topics = set()
for i in range(len(df)):
# remove topics from set that are empty strings or have (number) in them
Writing (2)
Writing (3)
should be Writing only
for topic in topics.copy():
if topic == '' or topic[-1] == ')':
topics = list(topics)
with open('topics.txt', 'w') as f:
for topic in topics:
f.write(topic + '\n')
Avoid Saying These 11 Swear Words When Travelling in Japan
You might get in trouble if you do!