A Solid Yap Session
day 3

4 sets of 5 pushups
4 sets of 5 squats
- my experience with calorie counting
- its very easy to over eat
- sneaky calorie dense foods
- the problem of eating when you are bored is like doing drugs because you are bored
- drinking calories
- what foods are satisfying?
- whats the optimal time of day to eat food?
- eating strategically by using the knapsack problem
- choosing what food urge is the most pressing
- thinking about food is "another thing on your plate"
- my experience with arfid
- i feel less bloated because of counting calories
- the feeling of "being done" with work
- my creative muses live in the nighttime
- the mindless urges of checking youtube/email/the internet
- getting through a to-do list doesn't necessarily cause peace of mind
- work is never done, the projects just change
- i need to learn how to convert my agency into gratitude
- you can't directly be grateful, like you can't directly be happy
- the curse of modernity and the societal hedonic treadmill
- should we force people into the wilderness?
- its good to feel grateful about the skills you are working on
- appreciate yourself or risk collapse upon yourself
- the value of building memories
- my experiences being a decade out of college – and what my college friends talk about
- why the biographies of van gogh and napoleon are so long – they wrote a ton of letters that showed us their internal mind states
- a website vs a social media presence
- the value of evidence of work that you've done over the course of your life to feel valuable – especially in a knowledge work economy
- on social media you are constantly competing with strangers in a way that you think that they'll like you
- the random mode button is awesome
- conversations with yourself
- is the persuasion layer inwardly focused or outwardly focused?
- the value of earned media over marketing – my metafilter story
- there is a stark deviation in creativity when posting on a personal site vs social media
- we shrink ourselves for social media platforms
Issue 44: Is Being Well Read Actually a Thing? Part I - Zero to One
The superpower we neglect to use