Embeddings as Shapes v0.1

Similar concept to visualizing embeddings vectors with colors.

Current issue is how to treat scale and drop shadow! I want the higher values to "pop" out of the canvas, but so many values are close to each other to be indiscernible value gradients. Workshopping it!



const min = Math.min(...embedding);
const max = Math.max(...embedding);

const settings = {
  // Pass the p5 instance, and preload function if necessary
  p5: { p5 },
  // Turn on a render loop
  animate: false,

canvasSketch(({ p5 }) => {
  return ({ p5 }) => {
    // create a grid of squares from embeddings.length
    // assign each square a color from the embedding value

    // scale shapes from min and max values from 0 to 1
    function scaleShapes(value) {
        return ((value - min) / (max - min)) * 10;

    const padding = 10;

    p5.createCanvas(480, 320);

    const scaledShapes = embedding.map(scaleShapes);

    // return index of min and max scaledShapes
    const minIndex = scaledShapes.indexOf(Math.min(...scaledShapes));
    const maxIndex = scaledShapes.indexOf(Math.max(...scaledShapes));
    console.log(minIndex, maxIndex);
    console.log(scaledShapes[minIndex], scaledShapes[maxIndex]);

    // create a grid of squares from embeddings.length
    for (let i = 0; i < 48; i++) {
        for (let j = 0; j < 32; j++) {
            const index = i * 32 + j;
            // p5.noStroke();            
            // put a rect in middle of padding index
            // p5.rectMode(p5.CORNER);
            // p5.rect(i * 10, j * 10, 10, 10);

            // if embedding value at index is negative, fill with black
            if (embedding[index] < 0) {
                // add a drop shadow
                p5.drawingContext.shadowOffsetX = 2 + scaledShapes[index];
                p5.drawingContext.shadowOffsetY = 2 + scaledShapes[index];
                p5.drawingContext.shadowBlur = 2;
                p5.drawingContext.shadowColor = "rgba(0,0,0,0.2)";
            } else {
                // remove drop shadow
                p5.drawingContext.shadowOffsetX = 0;
                p5.drawingContext.shadowOffsetY = 0;
                p5.drawingContext.shadowBlur = 0;
                p5.drawingContext.shadowColor = "rgba(0,0,0,0)";



            p5.rect(i * 10 + (padding / 2), j * 10 + (padding / 2), 
            5 + scaledShapes[index], 
            5 + scaledShapes[index]);
}, settings);

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