May 26 2023
my favorite album of 2023 dropped, conflict, drawn out battles, malicous aura

my album of the year already dropped <3 SLEEP TOKEN
favorite songs:
- ascenionism
- chokehold
- dywtlm
Raw Thoughts
Light (Death Note) died on my birthday!
Date of death
January 28, 2010 (2013 in anime)
I realized that when you only focus on the light and positive thinking … then it's like you're staring up at the sun without looking down to notice that you were standing in a pile of feces. Something smells bad, but as long as you stare at the light then all the bad will go away. And instead of cleaning up the poo you spray perfume (affirmations) all over it. (Location 112)
The Kore desired to experience a great story, and in a great story, whether comedy or tragedy, there are always struggle and obstacles and opposition. There are separation and reunion. (Location 185)
Godself Kink Let's return to a point mentioned in the Introduction: if the ancient wisdom of Vedas are correct and the whole universe is just God playing elaborate rounds of hide'n'seek with Godself, then God is a super-freak. We need only look around our planet to see that God's idea of a fun time includes some seriously edgy, ultra-taboo, hard-core stuff—including war and poverty and pain and ravaging and abuse and atrocities of all variety. (Location 448)
To Search for God is to insult God: 202212260027
most of us have grown up in a society that exalts wealth, and we have disowned and denied the other side of the polarity: a love of scarcity. In doing so we make our love of scarcity unconscious, and thus scarcity synchronously shows up in our lives, until we agree to consciously, deliberately, “insanely,” shamelessly love it. The Great Work involves making the unconscious, conscious and thus changing the locus of our agency and taking charge of our own fate. (Location 547)
Crazy drawn out battle between Xaryu vs the members of the Stormpike
Zohakuten Gets His Malicious Aura
In the Upper Moon meeting, Hantengu was the only demon who didn't get a malicious aura drawing around his body. (ep 1)
Cleverly, they gave it to Zohakuten! (ep 7) is a reader-supported published Zettelkasten. Both free and paid subscriptions are available. If you want to support my work, the best way is by taking out a paid subscription.