Two Museums That Show The Breadth and Depth of Human Arcana
Froggyland – Museum of the best taxidermy in the world
Froggland, Split (Croatia) - Imgur
The legacy of an eccentric, legacy anxious fellow:
A late 19th-century French mansion (pictured: west facade) shuttered for more than a century has opened its doors to the public, revealing an array of outdated luxuries and oddities.
The house once belonged to the wealthy, philanthropic, and "egocentric" civil servant Louis Mantin, according to Maud Leyoudec, assistant curator at the new Maison Mantin, or "Mantin house."
Mantin, who died in 1905, stated in his will that the house should be opened to the public a hundred years after his death
Frogs taxidermy found inside French mansion that had been sealed for 100 years : interestingasfuck[1]
The Frog That Committed Atrocities at Froggyland
And here are two more examples right next to each other. A frog smiling in one, but eating a bug in the other. Two seashells, one seashell. 4/?
— Nate Fernald (@natefernald) March 20, 2022
The Icelandic Phallological Museum
in short, dicks.
History - The Icelandic Phallological Museum[2] is a reader-supported published Zettelkasten. Both free and paid subscriptions are available. If you want to support my work, the best way is by taking out a paid subscription.
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