Pomofocus IFrame embed
To embed the Pomofocus timer, use this snippet
To embed the Pomofocus timer, use this snippet:
<iframe width="100%" height="700" src="https://pomofocus.io/app" frameborder="0"></iframe>
To embed the Pomofocus timer, use this snippet
To embed the Pomofocus timer, use this snippet:
<iframe width="100%" height="700" src="https://pomofocus.io/app" frameborder="0"></iframe>
Here are the dimensions that I think matter when it comes to creating a masterpiece or a better masterpiece using a personal library
I think as a science, personal library science is somewhere in between psychology and computer science.
In order to discuss personal library science, we must first define the characteristics of a personal library.
a synthesis of my values -- the things I live for.