Action Movie Morality

Totally unexplainable reasoning.

INT: Some Final Showdown with {BOSS VILLAIN HERE}, Probably in the Unlocked Throne Room 202212251336

Male Lead:

You killed my brother! I can't forgive you for that, {BOSS VILLAIN HERE}, you murderer!!


Haha, I…wait, are you serious?

Male Lead:

Serious about what?


Well, I just think it's a bit ironic to call me a murderer like you aren't a murderer.

Male Lead:

I -- wha -- no, no I'm not, I'm not a murderer


My guy, you killed 15 of my mercenaries on your way into this very room. Look -- you literally just shoved one of my lackies of the cliff onto that bed of wooden spikes.

camera pans to lackey impaled by spikes

Male Lead:

Well, I mean, yeah, but -- but they're mercenaries! They're hired killers!


Do you … do you think that because someone is a mercenary they can't be murdered?

Male Lead:

I well, no, I mean … I guess I hadn't really thought about it before.



Male Lead:



Dave. The lackey -- the one you just pushed off the cliff? His name was Dave. He has two daughters at home.

Male Lead:

Oh, oh -- oh my god.



Male Lead:

But -- but you we're just going to take this treasure and use it for nefarious ends, so I'm still fighting for the innocent!


Oh, and what were you planning to do with the money?

Male Lead:

Sorry, what?


I said, what are you planning on using the money on, Mr. High Horse?

Male Lead:

Well, I uh … I guess I was going to take it, and sell it on … on the black market? I … I don't know, I usually don't think much outside of witty one liners.


So it's worse, you don't even have a goal for the money? You're just here for the thrill of the hunt. You killed Dave for the thrill of the hunt. That makes you a bad person, do you see what I'm saying?

Male Lead:

But -- but I was hired to solve the mystery. This unsolvable 500 year old mystery!


Congratulations, so you are an escape room veteran who midnights as a murderer. That is literally the worst combination of skills a person could have.


sputters blood, coughs

Male Lead:



takes out pistol and shoots at Dave