Any Lock Picking Scene in Any Big Budget Hollywood Action Flick
In any "ancient history/spy" action film you might expect to see these familiar scenes…
Scenario 1: Modern Lock with Benefit of Hundreds of Years of Modern Lock Technology
INT: Some Rich Dude's Vault, Probably

Male Lead:
Damn, it's locked.
Female Lead:
Don't worry.
takes hairpin that's holding up her indescribably perfect bun, despite having just jumped out of an airplane
puts hairpin in lock while Male Lead turns around with back to door frame -- gun in hand
guards come running down hallway
Male Lead:
Hey you better hurry up with that lock -- WE'VE GOT COMPANY
Female Lead:
I'm almost there, hold them off!
continues to randomly jiggle hairpin in lock hole
male lead shoots at guards, who have put furniture that doesn't belong in a hallway like full sectional couches up as blockades from the gunfire
Male Lead:
They're bringing in the big guns!!!
17 foot 4 man saunters down hallway in way too tight shirt, looking intensely constipated
music gets more intense
Female Lead:
and….got it! Come on {MALE LEAD}, let's go!
they both escape just as large man reaches door
Scenario 2: Some Busted Out Rusty Ass Lock on a Three Inch Deep Oak Door That Looks Like it Could Be Knocked Off Its Hinges by a Light Breeze
INT: An Abandoned Cave From 1420; 300 Feet Below Ground

Male Lead:
Damn, it's locked.
Female Lead:
Hmm, its probably a puzzle and the answer is most likely in this room right next to the lock.
Male Lead:
Oh yeah, look, here's a pictogram that explains exactly what we have to do! Did you bring the other half of the key of Bussyus the Magnificent?
Female lead rifles in extremely torn up backpack and pulls out some ancient piece of bullshit
Female Lead puts key in lock, turning slowly while music crescendos
Female Lead:
Got it!
some unexplainable ancient stone hinge technology that somehow still works centuries later opens by itself
Male Lead:
Let's go!
Main Villain somehow waiting inside for them, despite having no knowledge if they would show up or not, even (202212251415)