Using a Personal Library To Create a Magnum Opus
Here are the dimensions that I think matter when it comes to creating a masterpiece or a better masterpiece using a personal library
Here are the dimensions that I think matter when it comes to creating a masterpiece or a better masterpiece using a personal library
I think as a science, personal library science is somewhere in between psychology and computer science.
In order to discuss personal library science, we must first define the characteristics of a personal library.
book talk
a synthesis of my values -- the things I live for.
book talk
by Clive Thompson | by Aristotle
Art history runs parallel to history because you can view history through the eyes of the artists that were alive at the time.
The modern is the perfect translator between their parent and their child, since they have a foot in each context.
Bram Adams (@bramses) is building Your Commonbase, a self organizing scrapbook.
words can't wrap their arms around death
minimap (bottom left corner) is life
how much is enough?
1,2,3 ... 2,2,3...
How many leuchtturm1917's is too many?
don't let the headlines get you!
perhaps its agency that prevents me from wanting to schedule meetings with myself